The 6th Battalion King's Shropshire Light Infantry 1914-19 - Annette Burgoyne
King's Shropshire Light Infantry, 1881-1968 - Shropshire Regimental Museum, Published by Tempus Publishing, 15 September 1998.
1st Battalion; The King's Shropshire Light Infantry Campaign Service 1939-1945 (France - Belgium - North Africa - Italy) - Evans, Richard. Published Light Infantry Office (Shrewsbury), 30 June 1999.
The History of the Kings Shropshire Light Infantry in the Great War 1914-18 by Wood 1925. London: Medici Society, 1925.; 1925; 1st edn. Tall 8vo. Pp. xvi, 470, illus with folding maps & maps in text. [Regimental Great War history of the 1st - 10th battalions on the Western Front, Salonika & Palestine.]
The History Of The 4th Battalion, King's Shropshire Light Infantry (T.A.) 1745-1945. Shrewsbury: Wilding & Son. Lt-Cmdr P. K., 1955. 5 1/2" by 8 1/2" 183 pages, photos, maps
King's Shropshire Light Infantry (Famous Regiments) 1972. MOULSDALE, J R B. Leo Cooper, 1st edn, 92pp. The 53rd Regiment of Foot was raised in 1755. In WWII the 1st Bn. was with the BEF, and then in North Africa with the 1st Army. It later landed at Anzio. The 2nd Bn. was in action in Normandy, and finally received the surrender of Doenitz. Introduction by Lt Gen Sir Brian Horrocks. ISBN 0 85052 115 7
4th King's Own Shropshire Light Infantry In The Battle For... unknown: Thornburn, Ned. 4th Bn KSLI Museum Trust, 1990.
Historical Records of the 53rd Shropshire Regiment, Now the 1st Battalion The King's (Shropshire L.I.), from the formation of the Regiment in 1755, down to 1889, by Colonel W. Rogerson. This book was compiled and edited by Rogerson from the Regiment's Orderly Room records, and pulished in London, UK by Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent, & Co., 32 Paternoster Row, and it is 248 pages in length.
The 85th King's Light Infantry (Now 2nd Battn, The King's Shropshire Light Infantry) by "One of Them", edited by C.R. B. Barrett and published in 1913 by Spottiswoode & Co. Ltd., New-Street Square, London, E.C. It has 551 pages, and covers the period from the foundation of the Regiment in 1759 to the Regiment's deployment to India in 1903 following it's participation in the Boer War.
The History of the Corps of the King's Shropshire Light Infantry, with a forward by General Sir Geffrey Musson, KCB, CBE, DSO, Colonel, the King's Shropshire Light Infantry. This is a seven-volume work commissioned by the Regimental Committee. It is a poorly printed, paper-bound series of books that are essentially a photo or xerox duplication of typewritten manuscripts, with some better quality photo reprorductions of Regimental insignia, flags, uniforms, and sketches or drawings of historic events and/or officers and men.
The seven volumes are:
Vol 1 - The 53rd (Shropshire Regiment) - this is essentially a reprint of the Rogerson book described above, with the addition of other articles, and personal accounts from the Regimental Journal and other publications, and some photos, plates, drawings and cartoons from the Regiment's museum.
Vol 2 - The 85th (The King's Light Infantry Regiment) 1759-1881
Vol 3 - The Shropshire Militia and Volunteers 1539-1881
Vol 4 - The King's (Shropshire Light Infantry) 1881-1914
Vol 5 - The King's (Shropshire Light Infantry) 1914-1919
Vol; 6 - The King's Shropshire Light Infantry 1919-1962
Vol 7 - The Herefordshire Light Infantry and It's Predecessors 1539-1962
EARDLEY, ROY H. EARDLEY V.C. M.M. K.S.L.I. 1997. ROTHLEY, 1st edn, xii + 110 pp, cond near fine, ills, d/w. A biographical account of George H. Eardley a seargent in the Kings Shropshire Light Infantry, who fought in Europe through WWII.
THORNBURN, MAJ NED FIRST INTO ANTWERP 1987. 4th Bn. K.S.L.I. Museum Trust, 1st edn, 53pp, ills, line drawings, card covers, fine. An account of the part played by 4th Battalion King's Shropshire Light Infantry in the liberation of the City in September 1944.
History of the 2nd Battalion, the King's Shropshire Light Infantry (85th foot) : in the campaign in N. W. Europe, 1944-1945. Author: Radcliffe, G. L. Y. Publisher: Blackwell, 1950 5 1/2" by 8 1/2" 96 pages, maps
The 85th King's light infantry (now 2nd battn. The King's Shropshire light infantry) by "One of them." Author: Barrett, C. R. B. (Charles Raymond Booth), 1850- Publisher: Spottiswoode.
The history of the 4th Battalion, King's Shropshire Light Infantry (T.A.) 1745-1945. Author: Kemp, Peter Kemp. Publisher: Wilding,
The history of the King's Shropshire Light Infantry in the Great War, 1914-1918. Author: Wood, Walter de Burley. Publisher: Medici Society,
The King's Shropshire Light Infantry (The 53rd/85th Regiment of Foot). Author: Moulsdale, J. R. B. Publisher: Cooper
Peter Davies 1964 London 12mo His story of the Somme and Ancre front .