1759 - The 85th Light Infantry (or Royal Volunteers) raised in Shrewsbury - the first Light Infantry Regiment to be raised in the British Army. Formed by Colonel John Crauford, an officer of the 13th Foot.
1761 - siege of Belle Isle
1762 - campaign against the Spaniards on the frontier of Portugal
1763- Disbanded at Salisbury
1778 - The 85th (Westminster Volunteers) Regiment of Foot raised in London by Lords Harrington and Chesterfield - served in Jamaica
1782 - greater part of regiment perished on board the Ville de Paris three-decker and other French prizes taken in Rodney's action with the Comte de Grasse, which were swept away by a cyclone off Newfoundland, when homeward bound
1783 - remnant of regiment disbanded at Dover Castle
1793/4 - The 85th (Bucks Volunteers) Regiment of Foot raised by Sir George Nugent on the Marquis of Buckingham's estates. A 2nd Bn existed 1800-1802. Served in Flanders under the Duke of York in latter part of 1794, in retreat to Bremen. Was afterwards in Gibraltar, where the 108th Foot was drafted into it.
1799 - In Holland with the Duke of York and was augmented by a second battalion that was absorbed again at the Peace of Amiens.
1800/01 - occupation of Madeira
1803-1808 - Jamaica, then home where it was made into a light infantry corps
1808 - 85th (Bucks Volunteers) (Light Infantry) Regiment
1809 - Walcheren
1810 - Portugal, Fuentes d'Onor, Dadajos
1811 - sent home due to reduced strength
1813 - re-embarked for the Peninsula, Pyrenees, siege and capture of St. Sebastian, Nive, Bayonne
America - Bladensberg, capture of Washington and New Orleans
The Americans (General Winder) held the only bridge over the Potomac towards Washington and opposed the British advance. General Ross captured the bridge, forced the Americans from their prepared position, entered the capital and destroyed much of it. Casualties: British, 64 killed, 185 wounded; American, 26 killed, 51 wounded.
New Orleans
The city, held by a garrison of 12,000 Americans under General Jackson, was attacked by a British force of 6,000 under General Keane, aided by the fleet. On December 13 the American warships in the Mississippi were captured and, by December 21, the troops had been disembarked. After a few skirmishes, Sir Edward Pakenham arrived to take command on the 25th, and on January 1, 1815, he launched a determined attack on the American position. This failed, and short of supplies, the British retired. On January 7 the British made another attack and were again repulsed, losing 1,500, including Pakenham. The expedition then withdrew. Peace had already been concluded, but neither side knew of it.
1814 - returned home
1815 - 85th (Bucks Volunteers, Duke of York's Own Light Infantry) Regiment
1821 - 85th (Bucks Volunteers) (The King's Light Infantry) Regiment
1821-32 - Malta and Gibraltar
1835-42 - North America
1842-45 - West Indies
1848 - Ireland
1849-50 - Ireland - The Crown Forces in Dungarvan
1853-56 - Mauritius
1856-63 - Cape Colony - Cape, Natal, South Africa
1867 - Dublin
1868-1880 - India
1879-80 - Kuram Field Force in South Afghanistan
1881 - Bombay to Natal, Boer War, then home
1881 - renamed 2nd Battalion The King's Shropshire Light Infantry, the Militia units of Shropshire and Herefordshire became part of K.S.L.I. and called 3rd and 4th (Militia) Battalions. Shrewsbury became Regimental Depot