This page is dedicated to
D Company of The Ox & Bucks Light Infantry
and the action at Pegasus Bridge.
As the vast Allied seaborne
invasion fleet converged on the Normandy beaches
on the eve of D-Day, 6th June,1944, six troop
gliders were delivering a 180 man airborne
force a few miles inland. Their objective:
to pave the way for the main force by capturing
two vital German held bridges.
In early March 19444 six glider
crews were collected at Netheravon from various
flights of the regiment. No word as to why,
in the usual glider pilot style, but we foregathered
at mid-field and were addressed by our Colonel,
George Chatterton,behind whom appeared a covey
of army and air force brass. Heavy brass.
He pointed out a couple of triangles marked
with broad white tape, one here, one there
on the airfield. Not very big, but apparently
in his judgement, big enough.
Briefing was very succinct:
" You will be towed at one-minute intervals
to 4,000ft, which will take about one hour.
You will then release three miles away at
a point decided by your tug, from where you
will be able to see these triangles. Numbers
1, 2 and 3 will land in this one, making a
right hand circuit, and 4, 5 and 6 on t'other
from a left hand circuit. Now hop off for
lunch. All gliders are ready and assembled
on the towpath. Take off 1300hrs".
No word as to how we were
chosen. Perhaps drawn from a hat? Perhaps
crews our squadron commanders were glad to
part with? We were all sergeants. My co-pilot
was Johnnie Ainsworth. I was told to fly first
and, although throughout training the other
crews changed numbers and patterns (a wise
move), I always stayed as number 1. So we
took off and flew a short course, saw the
triangles, cast off and landed all six in
our correct areas, to our utter astonishment.
A mutter of dis-belief emanated from the brass,
and a few low -key bragging words about "his
boys" from. George. The Royal Air Force
cast the doubt, so we did exactly the same
the next day with exactly the same - to us
- incredibly lucky result.
From that point , the operation
was " on" although no-one mentioned
it to us. And Deadstick, the codename
for the glider pilot training, started. Here
perhaps might be included a quotation from
Air Vice-Marshall Arthur Harris, Chief of
the Air Staff, who opined that it would be
disastrous to try to train army personnel
to fly troop-carrying gliders. His actual
words were:
"The idea that semi-skilled,
unpicked personnel (infantry corporals have,
I believe even been suggested) could , with
a maxumum of training, be entrusted with the
piloting of these troop carriers is fantastic.
Their operation is equivalent to forced landing
the largest sized aircraft without engine
aid - than which there is no higher test of
piloting skill". We can now extend a
belated thankyou to Bomber Harris as he became
known, for such an occolade to the Glider
Pilot Regiment.

Somewhere in the West Country
Major John Howard and his merry men of D Company,
Ox & Bucks, also started their preparations
for an assault on something or other! It took
only a few trial runs with Albemarles at Netheravon
to prove that we needed a much more powerful
tug to get fully loaded Horsa up to 6,000ft
- which was the new and final height - in
less than an hour, so a switch was made to
Tarrant Rushton airfield and No 298 and 644
Halifax Squadrons. Here, for the first and
only time, we were crewed with our tug and
stayed together through the training and final
run-in. This was a most important move, as
we developed a confidence and friendships
in a sometimes dangerous and more often hilarious
training period. My tug skipper was Wg Cdr
Duder DSO DFC, enough to give anyone plenty
of encouragement as he obviously knew quite
a bit about flying and was indeed the proverbial
It was all a bit half-arsed
at first. A daylight tow was made at various
times, apparently when Tarrant Rushton airfield
was not to busy, which as two operational
squadrons were based there, was not very often.
Height was now set at 6,000ft, and two separate
courses and times developed. Gliders 1 - 3
to fly a three sided path, and 4 - 6 a dog
leg pattern. We were towed in line astern
at one minute intervals. Broadly, 1 - 3 flew
downwind leg of 180 degrees at 90mph for 3mins
40secs, then a 90degree Rate One turn right
on to second course for 2mins 5sec, and a
last 90degree turn right for the run-in, by
which time the target should be directly ahead.
Gliders 4 - 6 cast off at the same spot, operated
half then full flap and in a dog-leg couse
flew in straight to the target.

I soon became evident that
to fly out of and back to Tarrant was no longer
feasible, so the search began for a suitable
target area, which some boffin or other decided
would be "Holmes Clump",. I don't
know who Holmes was, but his Clump is etched
on all our hearts forever. It is an L-shaped
wood just off Netheravon, most convenient
in that gliders landing there can be towed
across the fields by tractor back to Netheravon
airfield proper. And from this was developed
Deadstick training. Fourteen glider
pilots (six crews and one back-up - which
did prove necessary) were sequestered in one
Nissen hut at Tarrant with a Lieutenant as
our mother hen, our own transport, and our
own independent operation directed by two
RAF pilots, Flt. Lt Tom Grant, a tug/glider
specialist, and Keith Miller, a similiar specialist,
these two organised everything. Briefings,
courses, winds and timings on every flight.
The drill in flight was to cast off at 90mph
while turning onto the decided course, immediately
I was "On", the co-pilot operated
the stopwatch and timimg started, countdown
by Ainsworth, " Five, Four Three, Two,
One, Zero, and I made a controlled Rate One
right turn to course 2: and when I was "On"
again Johnnie restarted the watch. Another
countdown and at zero, another 90degree turn
right and the target lay ahead.

Only once did Deadstick
break any gliders when number 6 was late,
he eventually landed with the most horrific
noise and we feared the worst, but luckily
except for the odd broken bones all was well.
In all we practised Deadstick 42
times and were bloody good at it by June 1944.
The airfield was sealed on June 1st and John
Howard and D Company, Ox & Bucks Light
Infantry our only and live load. They were
the best troops we ever met, and we were glad
of that.
At last we were told where,
how, and why the two bridges over the River
Orne and Caen Canal had to be taken intact
and held. Gliders 1 - 3, flying the three
course path, we were to take the canal, while
4 - 6, would drop straight down and take the
river. There were still various problems to
deal with and in turn they were overcome but
the Day had come, we took off at 2245 through
low cloud and into clear at 6000ft over the
channel, it was a smooth flight and Howard
encouraged the men to sing, none were airsick.
Thanks to our tug crew we were dead on time
and dead on target, "Cast Off",
the singing stopped and that was when six
Horsas tiptoed quietly into two little fields
in Normandy and released 180 fighting men
in full battle order to give the German garrison
the surprise of their lives.

The tug pilot said, "Weather's
good, the clouds are at 600 feet, a couple
of minutes before we cast off. And we all
wish you the best of luck." Alter course,
air speed right, John Ainsworth with the stopwatch,
I'm checking the compass, he's checking the
air speed. We cruise along and then 5 . .
. 4 . . . 3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . . bingo, right
turn to starboard onto course. Halfway down
the crosswind leg, I could see it. I could
see the river and the canallike strips of
silver and I could see the bridges; visibility
was awfully good. So then, to hell with the
course. I knew my height; I knew how far away
I was, so it was a case of by guess and by
God from then on. I didn't complete the crosswind
leg, so I bowled down and landed rather quickly.
There was a feeling of the land rushing up
and I landed probably at about 95 instead
of at 85, and 10 miles per hour in the dark
looks like a lot. I hit the field and caught
the first bit of wire and so I called "Stream,"
and by golly, it [the parachute] lifted the
tail and forced the nose down. It drew us
back and knocked the speed down tremendously.
It was only on for two seconds, and "jettison,"
and Ainsworth pressed the tit and jettisoned
the parachute, and then we were going along
only about 60, which was ample to take me
right into the corner. We got right into the
corner of the field, the nose wheel had gone,
the cockpit collapsed, and Ainsworth and I
went right through the cockpit. I went over
headfirst and landed flat on my stomach. I
was stunned, as was Ainsworth; I came around
and he seemed to be in bad shape. I said,
"Can you crawl?" and he said, "No," and then
I asked if I lifted, could he crawl out and
he said, "I'll try." I lifted the thing and
I felt that I lifted the whole bloody glider
when probably all I lifted was a small spar,
but I felt like 30 men when I picked this
thing up and he did manage to crawl out.

Although we made an awful
noise on landing we seemed not to bother the
German sentries, I was stunned and pinned
under the collapsed cockpit, but the troops
were getting on with it. Exactly one minute
later No.2 arrived and joined in, followed
by No. 3, this all justified all those training
flights. Long afterwards we all confessed
to feeling rather pleased with ourselves at
having pulled it off, this when June 6 was
20minutes old and our little battle was just
starting. Air Chief Marshall Leigh-Mallory
called it the greatest flying feat of the
Second World War.

There was only one casualty
on landing, the Bren gunner in No. 3 who drowned
in a pond, Johnnie and I revived in a few
minutes and with the aid of a medic I crawled
free of the debris. I made myself useful carting
ammunition from the glider to the troops,
then we heard the Tank, we needed Gammon anti-tank
bombs, but I could not find those bloody bombs,
so took a case of 303 which made Howard cross.
"Get the bloody Gammons" he hollered.
It was a rough night. We pilots
did what little we could to help but the Parachute
Brigade arrived at 0300hr and Lord Lovat at
about 1300 on the 6th, they were indeed welcome.
By daylight my legs had seized and I became
a stretcher case and after local medical assistance
ended up at Ronkswood Hospital Worcester.
I returned to my regiment some three weeks
later in time for Arnhem, then back to Tarrant
for a conversion course on Hamilcars in order
to fly a 17pounder and crew across the Rhine
in March 1945. It was short,sharp and a good
clean way to go to war. I do not think any
of us would have changed a thing.
Copyright: Jim Wallwork DFM
Wallwork played down claims
that his unit initiated D-Day. "France
was a very busy place that night: paratroopers
dropping in, small aircraft taking arms to
the resistance, the navy removing German novelties
from off the beaches," he said.
"Our only claim to fame
is not that we were the first to arrive, but
that we were the first to fire a shot. We
were the first to take a small bit of France
and give it back to the French. It was really
quite easy."
As the years go by the survivors
of this daring action are dwindling in numbers,
they are-
Doug Allen, Frank Bourlet.
Peter Boyle, Peter 'Rocky' Bright, Harry "Nobby"
Clark, Denis 'Eddie' Edwards, Wm 'Bill' Gray,
Cyril E. Haslett, T.G. 'Tom' Packwood, Raymond
'Tich'Rayner, Jim Wallwork DFM., Stan Watson,
Fred Weaver, Jim Jennings, 'Smokey' Howard,
Alf Whitbread, ' Tug' Wilson and Col. David
Wood MBE. who as the last surviving officer
of Coup de Main Force, in June was awarded
the Legion d'Honour in recognition of his
many years of support for Normandy Veterans
Association (NVA) Airborne Assault Normandy
Trust (AANT) and Coup de Main survivors.
Last Post. Sadly, during
the past two years we have lost Stan Evans,
CdeG: 18.09.04; Arthur Roberts: 13.11. 04
and Wally Parr: 03.12.05. Geoff Barkway, DFM,
Pilot of No. 3 glider at Pegasus Bridge died
on Thursday, 8th June. 2006.
Lost in action.
L/Cpl Fred Greenhalgh and
Lieut. D. Brotheridge
The Action to take the Bridges
- (from the troops viewpoint)

In Glider No. 1, Howard’s men started
to loosen up a bit, some of them even singing
Cockney tunes as a way to pass the time during
their journey. But the singing only masked
their nervousness about what they might face
on landing. The men had been shown the most
recent aerial photos, and they had seen newly
dug holes in the Normandy countryside for
anti-glider stakes, nicknamed "Rommel
asparagus" by Allied troopers. Many of
those holes appeared near the bridge landing
sites. Each man had plenty to think about
as the gliders neared the French coast.
Major John Howard (Memorial)
The tow planes and gliders
crossed over the town of Cabourg, at which
point the glider pilots cut themselves loose
from the bombers. Once free of the tow planes,
the gliders were in free flight at 6,000 feet,
and each plane went into a steep dive to get
through the flak belt being thrown up by the
German anti-aircraft guns targeting the bombers
that droned onward.
The steep dive brought painful
pressure to the ears, and to relieve it each
man blew hard while holding his nose. Many
of the paratroopers fought queasiness as the
powerless aircraft swooped downward in the
darkness. In the cockpits, co-pilots began
monitoring stopwatches as pilots checked their
compasses to make the exacting runs on the
downwind and upwind legs of the flight. They
would have to work to stretch the glide out
far enough to reach the bridges 10 miles away.

Landing site
In Glider No. 1, pilot Jim
Wallwork held the aircraft steady while John
Ainsworth called out, "5-4-3-2-1-bingo,
right turn." The glider turned to starboard
and onto the course of the crosswind leg.
Wallwork strained to see what lay ahead of
them in the light from a half-moon.
"Halfway down the crosswind
leg, I could see it," Wallwork later
recalled. "I could see the river and
the canal like strips of silver and I could
see the bridges. So then, to hell with the
course, I didn’t complete the crosswind
leg. I bowled down and landed rather quickly."
Wallwork glided in at 95 mph.
He was a little fast, having hoped to come
in at 85. He deployed his arrester parachute
for a few seconds, then released it and crashed
into the corner of a small triangular field
next to the Caen Canal Bridge. The nose wheel
came off, the cockpit collapsed and Wallwork
and Ainsworth were thrown through the cockpit.
The rest of the men were tossed about as well,
with Howard smashing his head on a beam, which
jammed his helmet down over his eyes. For
a brief moment Howard thought he had suddenly
been blinded, but he quickly recovered his
wits and found his platoon commander, Lieutenant
Dan Brotheridge.

Kneeling next to Brotheridge,
Howard heard him give his section leader a
simple, four-word order: "Get your chaps
moving." Nothing more was necessary.
Each man knew just what to do. In minutes,
men of No. 1 platoon were racing across the
bridge, firing as they ran and tossing grenades
into bunkers. A flare went off, fired by a
German sentry.
One minute after Glider No.
1 landed, Glider No. 2 was down. "I dropped
to the ground with an almighty crash,"
said pilot Oliver Boland, "and we crashed
along and managed to stop."
Directly behind No. 2 came
No. 3, which initially touched down behind
Glider No. 2 but then shot into the air and
sailed over No. 2, crash-landing between it
and Glider No. 1. Number 3 broke in half upon
the second impact and hurled L/Cpl Fred Greenhalgh
into a pond, pinning him there until he drowned.
Had the glider not become airborne after its
first impact, it would have crashed into the
rear of glider No. 2, and two-thirds of Howard’s
force might have been wiped out upon landing.
Now the attackers’ intense
training paid off. The men from the second
and third gliders moved quickly to accomplish
their assigned tasks, and within five minutes
the bridge over the Caen Canal was in British
hands. Engineers checked the span for explosives
and found that not only were the wires not
hooked to the hellbox but the explosives themselves
were not fixed in the holders attached to
the bridge supports. Instead, they had been
stored in a shed situated just off the far
side of the bridge. Gale’s assessment
of a bored and lethargic bridge defense force
had been more than accurate.

For the first 15 minutes there
was no word from the other bridge over the
Orne River. Howard asked his radioman, Corporal
Tappendan, over and over, "Any from four,
five, or six?" The answer was, "No,
no, no." Finally, Dennis Fox from Glider
No. 5 called in that the Orne Bridge had been
captured. Within minutes of that report, Glider
No. 6 landed and Lt. Todd Sweeney’s
troops came racing to the bridge. The attackers
had achieved total surprise, and the British
now controlled both bridges. Ecstatic, Howard
ordered Tappendan to send out the success
signal. Tappendan lay down on the road by
the canal bridge and transmitted, "Hello
Four Dog, Hello Four Dog, Ham and Jam, Ham
and Jam!" He paused for an answer, but
there was only silence on the airwaves. Then
he tried again, "Hello Four Dog, Hello
Four Dog, Ham and Jam, Ham and Jam."
But try as he might, no one answered him.
At that very moment, the rest of 6th Airborne
was descending onto the Ranville Plain. A
radio in that force had been set to their
frequency, but no one answered.
"For a solid hour I lay
on that road," Tappendan recalled. "I
finally got so frustrated that I said, ‘Hello
Four Dog, Hello Four Dog, Ham and Jam, Ham
and Bloody Jam, why don’t you answer
Tappendan had no way of knowing
that the radio tuned to his frequency had
been lost in the jump, so no one knew that
Howard’s force had captured the bridges
intact. The major began consolidating his
positions, preparing for the anticipated German

D Company, 2nd Battalion,
Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire Light Infantry
- December 1943
(Picture Bill Boren - HustonUSA
- Denis Edwards)
A list of the 180 personnel of the Coup
de Main force that captured the bridges over
Caen canal and the River Orne in Normandy
just after midnight, June 5th/6th, 1944.
The bridges were renamed Pegasus
and Horsa bridges by the French government
in recognition of their being the first part
of France to be liberated on D-Day
Gliders were piloted by 12 members
of the Glider Pilot Regiment, who were trained
to fight alongside the infantry after landing.
Infantry were supplied by the 2nd Battalion
Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry,
from 6th Air Landing Brigade of the 6th Airborne
Comprising the 4 platoons of
‘D’ Company and 2 platoons from
‘B’ Company, supported by a detachment
of 30 men from the 2nd platoon, 249 Field
Company, Royal Engineers (Airborne), 3 members
of the Royal Army Medical Corps and a Liaison
officer from the 7th Battalion, The Parachute
Glider Number 1 - Target : The Caen
Canal Bridge.
Rank Name |
Serving in |
Coy/Platoon |
Serving as.. |
S/Sgt Wallwork |
Glider Pilot Regt |
Horsa Pilot |
S/Sgt Ainsworth |
Glider Pilot Regt |
Horsa Co-Pilot |
W/Cdr Duder |
Tug-Pilot |
Lt. Brotheridge |
2nd Oxf.Bucks |
D 25 |
Platoon Commander |
Sgt Ollis |
Cpl Caine |
Cpl Webb |
Pte Bates
L/C Packwood |
L/C Minns |
Pte Baalam |
Cpl Bailey |
Pte Bourlet |
Pte Chamberlain |
Platoon Medic |
Pte Edwards |
Pte Gray |
Pte Gardner |
Pte O’Donnell |
Pte Parr |
Pte Tilbury |
Pte Watson |
Pte White |
Pte Windsor |
Pte Jackson 08 |
Cpl Tappenden |
Coy. HQ |
Wireless Operator |
Major Howard |
Coup de Main Force |
Officer Commanding |
Cpl Watson |
Royal Engineers |
Spr Danson |
ditto |
Spr Ramsey |
ditto |
Spr Wheeler |
ditto |
Spr Yates |
ditto |
Glider Number 1, together with gliders 2
and 3, landed very close to its target, the
Caen canal bridge, now named Pegasus Bridge.
All three gliders landed within a few minutes
of each other.
Glider Number 2 - Target : The Caen
Canal Bridge.
Rank Name |
Serving in |
... Coy/Platoon |
Serving as.. |
S/Sgt Boland |
Glider Pilot Regt |
Horsa Pilot |
S/Sgt Hobbs |
Glider Pilot Regt |
Horsa Co-Pilot |
WO Berry |
Tug Pilot |
Lt. Wood D |
2nd Oxf.Bucks |
24 Platoon |
Commander |
Sgt Leather |
Cpl Godbold |
Cpl Cowperthwaite |
Cpl Ilsley |
L/C Roberts |
L/C Drew |
Pte Chatfield |
Pte Lewis |
Pte Cheesley |
Pte Waters |
Pte Clarke 33 |
Pte Musty |
Pte Dancey |
Pte Harman |
Pte Warmington |
Pte Leonard |
Pte Weaver |
Pte Radford |
Pte Clark 48 |
Pte Pepperall |
Pte Malpas |
L/C Harris |
Medic |
A/Capt Neilson |
Royal Engineers |
Spr Conley |
Spr Lockhart |
Spr Shorey |
Spr Haslett |
Glider Number 2, together with gliders 1
and 3, landed very close to its target, the
Caen canal bridge, now named Pegasus Bridge.
All three gliders landed within a few minutes
of each other.
Glider Number 3 - Target : The Caen
Canal Bridge.
Rank Name |
Serving in |
Coy/Platoon |
Serving as.. |
S/Sgt Barkway |
Glider Pilot Regt |
Horsa Pilot |
S/Sgt Boyle Horsa |
Glider Pilot Regt |
Co-Pilot |
WO Herman |
Tug Pilot |
Lt. Smith |
2nd Oxf.Bucks |
B 14 Platoon |
Commader |
Sgt Harrison |
Cpl Higgs |
Cpl Evans |
Cpl Aris |
L/C Madge |
L/C Cohen |
Pte Greenhalgh |
Pte Wilson |
Pte Hook |
Pte Stewart |
Pte Keane |
Pte Noble |
Pte Crocker |
Pte Basham |
Pte Watts |
Pte Anton |
Pte Tibbs |
Pte Slade |
Pte Burns |
Pte Turner |
Pte Golden |
Pte A. Gregory |
Medic |
Major Jacob-Vaughan |
Medical Officer |
L/C Waring |
Royal Engineers |
Spr Clarke |
Spr Fleming |
Spr Green |
Spr Preece |
Glider Number 3, together with gliders 1
and 2, landed very close to its target, the
Caen canal bridge, now named Pegasus Bridge.
All three gliders landed within a few minutes
of each other.
Glider Number 4 - Target : The Orne
Rank Name |
Serving in |
Coy/Platoon |
Serving as.. |
Lawrence |
Glider Pilot Regt |
Horsa Pilot |
S/Sgt Shorter |
Glider Pilot Regt |
Horsa Co-Pilot |
F/O Clapperton |
Tug-Pilot |
Lt Hooper |
2nd Oxf.Bucks |
D 22 Platoon |
Commander |
Sgt Barwick |
Cpl Goodsir |
Cpl Bateman |
L/Sgt Rayner |
Cpl Ambrose |
Cpl Hunt |
Pte Allwood |
Pte Wilson |
Pte Hedges |
Pte Everett |
Pte St. Clair |
Pte Waite |
Pte Clive. |
Pte Timms |
Pte Whitford |
Pte Johnson |
Pte Lathbury |
Pte Hammond |
Pte Gardner 08 |
Pte Jeffrey |
Capt Priday |
Company 2i/c |
L/C Lambley |
Company. Clerk |
L/Sgt Brown |
Royal Engineers |
Spr Deighton |
Spr Guest |
Spr Paget |
Spr Roberts |
Glider Number 4 was scheduled to land first,
but was pulled off course by its tug aircraft
and landed by a bridge over the River Dives
some 8 miles to the East. Although losing
some men in skirmishes along the way, the
crew and airborne infantry and engineers successfully
fought their way through the flooded Dives
valley and back to Hérouvillette, to
rendezvous with the Regiment in the early
hours of June 7th.
Glider Number 5 - Target : The Orne
Rank Name |
Serving in |
Coy/Platoon |
Serving as.. |
S/Sgt Pearson
Glider Pilot Regt |
Horsa Pilot |
S/Sgt Guthrie |
Glider Pilot Regt |
Horsa Co-Pilot |
WO Bain |
Tug Pilot |
Lt Sweeney |
2nd Oxf.Bucks |
D 23 |
Platoon Commander |
Sgt Gooch
Cpl Murton |
Cpl Howard |
Cpl Jennings |
L/C Porter |
L/C Stacey |
Pte Allen |
Pte Bowden |
Pte Buller |
Pte Bright |
Pte Bleach |
Pte Clark 46 |
Pte Galbraith |
Pte Jackson 59 |
Pte Roach |
Pte Roberts 94 |
Pte Read |
Pte Tibbit |
Pte Wixon |
Pte Wood |
Pte Willcocks |
Lt Macdonald |
7th Parachute Bn |
Liaison Officer |
Cpl Straw |
Royal Engineers |
Spr Bradford |
Spr Carter |
Spr Field |
Spr Wilkinson |
Glider Number 5 hit an air pocket and forced
it to land in a field adjacent to the Orne
River Bridge - not exactly where planned but
very well positioned for the job that was
to be done.
Glider Number 6 - Target : The Orne
Rank Name |
Serving in |
Coy/Platoon |
Serving as.. |
S/Sgt Howard |
Glider Pilot Regt |
Horsa Pilot |
S/Sgt Baacke |
Glider Pilot Regt |
Horsa Co-Pilot |
F/O Archibald |
Tug Pilot |
Lt Fox |
2nd Oxf.Bucks |
B 17 |
Platoon Commander |
Sgt Thornton
Cpl Lally |
Cpl Burns |
Cpl Reynolds |
L/C Loveday |
Pte Collett |
Pte Hubbert |
Pte Clare |
Pte Peverill |
Pte Pope |
Pte Whitehouse |
Pte Whitbread |
Pte Lawton |
Pte Rudge |
Pte O’Shaughnessy |
Pte Annetts |
Pte Summersby |
Pte Woods |
Pte Wyatt |
Pte Ward |
Pte Storr |
L/C Lawson |
Medic |
WS Lt Bence |
Royal Engineers |
Spr Burns |
Spr C.W.Larkin |
Spr C.H.Larkin |
Spr Maxted |
Glider Number 6 landed as planned and very
close to the river bridge where they met little
These lists are extracted from the book
‘The Devil’s Own Luck’ –
From Pegasus Bridge to the Baltic Sea as an
Airborne Sniper – 1944/45 – published
by Pen & Sword Books, Ltd of Barnsley,
Yorkshire by. Denis Edwards

Major John Howard DSO at
Pegasus Bridge in 1993, (Heimdal)
The successful taking of
the bridges had not been without cost. Two
men had been killed -- Greenhalgh, who had
drowned in the pond, and Howard’s platoon
commander, Brotheridge, who had been shot
through the neck on the far side of the bridge.
Copyright: History Net -
(with thanks)
Credits: Numerous pictures
from various websites - Great help from Denis
Edwards, with thanks.