Terry Joll on the left with John Martyn
Copyright of 4 images above (attributed to Bodmin
Town Council Webmaster - Jeremy Ley) - the rest are
Copyright to Mike Scott
Order of March.
The Band and Bugles of he Rifles
Company of 2 Rifles, currently based in Ballykinlar,
Northern Ireland
Parade Commander Lt. E Addington
Sgt. Marriot
Cornwall Cadet Force (The Rifles)
Officer Commanding Lucknow Company - Captain Andrew
Platoon Commander (Bodmin) Lt.A Feeney
The Old Comrades with Standards
Commanded by Major WH White DL
RSM T E Joll
Yesterday's Freedom Parade was excellent, perfect
weather, perfect location, every thing from car parking
to the final Beating the Retreat was kept to a small
area so that things were not separated. The Retreat
was held on Bodmin football Pitch, which not only
had the stands for viewing but also there was a high
grass bank an one edge of the pitch, which made for
an excellent unobstructive view. I met up with Pat
and Peter Slade and also Wendy and Terry Joll, who
led the Veterans Parade. TONY HOOD. - Website Roving