The History of the Corps of the King's Shropshire Light Infantry, with a forward by General Sir Geffrey Musson, KCB, CBE, DSO, Colonel, the King's Shropshire Light Infantry. This is a seven-volume work commissioned by the Regimental Committee. It is a poorly printed, paper-bound series of books that are essentially a photo or Xerox duplication of typewritten manuscripts, with some better quality photo reproductions of Regimental insignia, flags, uniforms, and sketches or drawings of historic events and/or officers and men.
Volume Seven is - Vol 7 - The Herefordshire Light Infantry and It's Predecessors 1539-1962

MANU FORTI A History of the Herefordshire Regiment 1860-1967 by Lt. Col. T.J.B. Hill, MBE, KSLI. This is the full history of one of England's most famous county regiments written by a one-time commanding officer of the 1st Battalion the Herefordshire Light Infantry. Includes the Boer War, First World War and Second World War. Rare photos and maps, detailed appendices including a full roll of honour. HC, 196pp, illus., pub. 1996, Sutton.