Army List 1955
corrected generally to 15th November, 1954

Regular Army
see image
see image
see image
Case, R. T. 19/11/53
Harding, P. St. V. 15/6/54
Clinton, G. W. T. 5/7/54
Cantan, P. H. 18/12/48
Feild, R. I. (T/Capt. 27/8/53) (att'd Para) 15/7/50
Downes, E. D. (T/Capt. 15/11/52) 21/10/50
Terry, C. M. 12/4/51
Goodhand, D. E. 14/7/51
Higgs, R. J. 14/7/51
Brown, P. S. C. 28/10/51
Hodder, T. J. C. 22/7/52
Pedley, J. (att'd Para)9/2/53
French, J. G. 9/2/53
Stevens, W. H. 3/8/53
Peters-Dickie, J. N. R. 3/8/53
Rowe, A. P. 8/2/54
Robertson, I. M. 22/6/54
Gilliat, M. D. A. 1/8/54
2nd Lieutenants.
Clarke, A. L. St. G. S. 6/2/53
Higgs, V. P. H. 31/7/53
Lamb, M. W. W. 31/7/53
Southerst, R. G. 12/2/54
Lupton, T. D. 12/2/54
Corringham, J. M. 6/8/54
Hill, A. G., D.C.M. 17/9/46
maj. 27/9/50
Edwards, W., M.B.E. 27/11/47
maj. 25/12/51
Croucher, A. R., M.B.E. 15/1/51
maj. 3/7/54
Pine, S. F. lt. 24/7/54
Regular Army
Short Service Officers
Elliott, H. G. (Emp. List (4)) 14/10/44
Prowse, R. (Emp. List (4)) 24/12/48
‡Rorke, G., M.C. (T/Maj. 1/7/53) (Emp. List (4)) 6/7/49
Linton, E. E. (Emp. List (4)) 7/3/50
Treverton, D. B. (Emp. List (4)) 13/10/51
Mander, R. N. 1/4/50
Margetts, D. A. 22/3/54
2nd Lieutenants.
Evans, A. E. 14/2/53
Middleton, P. L. C. 1/8/53
Parker, D. C. 13/3/54
Matthews, S. M. 28/8/54
Gallagher, M. E. C. (Emp. List (4)) 18/5/44
maj. 7/10/53
‡Yeomans, A. H. (Emp. List (4)) 30/7/45
capt. 8/4/51
Regular Army
National Service Officers
2nd Lieutenants
Walding, R. M. W. 4/10/52
Tidmarsh, J. N. 14/3/53
Saunders, C. N. 11/7/53
Kent, C. W. H. 25/7/53
Law, A. B. 22/8/53
Drake, F. W. 24/10/53
Ballance, D. K. 5/12/53
Rose, J. R. 23/1/54
Innes, J. D. 23/1/54
Rutter, J. A. M. 6/2/54
Ashton, S. C. 27/2/54
Nation, D. L. 10/4/54
Croggon, W. R. 1/5/54
Hogben, J. G. H. 1/5/54
Mitchell, P. J. B. 13/5/54
Cooper, R. W. M. 29/5/54
Reep, L. B. 26/6/54
Territorial Army
Hon. Colonel.
‡Willyams, E. N., D.S.O., D.L., J.P. 16/9/47
Drewitt, G. B., T.D. 20/3/51
‡Buchanan, P.C., M.C., T.D. 20/3/54
Watton, W. V., T.D. 1/7/50
‡Barnes, C. L., M.C., T.D., p.s.c 1/12/51
‡Bennetts, G. V. 26/11/51
‡Jobson, T. H. (Res. of Off.) 25/4/52
Brewer, J. B., T. D. 1/5/52
Gregory, E. 18/10/52
Farley, W. J. 1/1/53
‡Bolitho, S. E., M.C. (s.c.) (Res. of Off.) 3/11/53
Stericker, P., T.D. 1/5/47
Scannall, A. F. 4/8/49
Graham-Vivian, H. R. 1/10/50
Tremayne, D. 1/2/51
Todd, E. D. 1/4/52
Baker, K. F. 14/6/53
Bennett, D. M. N. (A/Capt. 12/6/54) 22/3/51
Webber, A. S. 29/2/52
Innes, A. T. W. 8/5/52
2nd Lieutenants.
Meadows, A. (A/Lt. 12/6/53) 3/11/51
Thomas, N. D. 10/3/53
Price, D. S. J. 11/7/54
Territorial Army National Service Officers
Dearlove, J. A. 16/12/51
Hennessy, T. M. 20/12/53
Law, J. M. B. 13/5/54
2nd Lieutenants
Shuttleworth, P. A., M.C. (A/Lt. 16/1/53) 28/4/51
Herrington, H. R. (A/Lt. 19/6/53) 6/10/51
Gooch, A. M. (A/Lt. 19/6/53) 22/10/51
Donne, J. E. (A/Lt. 7/8/53) 24/11/51
Longden, J. S. 22/12/51
Graham, N. W. (A/Lt. 13/6/54) 4/10/52
Bradley, M. V. S. (A/Lt. 4/7/54) 1/11/52
May, D. M. (A/Lt. 18/7/54) 1/11/52
Maddock, K. J. (A/Lt. 12/8/54) 6/12/52
Thomas, D. C. (A/Lt. 12/9/54) 10/1/53
Davidson, J. L. 2/5/53
Collingridge, T. H. 30/5/53
Brewer, J. W. T. 13/6/53
Hunt, D. B. 10/7/54
Units of the Home Guard Affiliated
1st, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th and 12th Cornwall H. G. Bns
Units of the Army Cadet Force Affiliated
1st Cadet Bn., Cornwall A.C.F.
3rd Cadet Bn., Cornwall A.C.F.
4th Cadet Bn., Cornwall A.C.F.
Probus School (Ind.) Coy.
‡ Serving officers, other than those holding permanent commissions, who served prior to 3rd September, 1939, in a theatre of operations for which a campaign star or medal has been awarded, or who, subsequent to 3rd September, 1939, have been mentioned in despatches, or awarded a decoration in respect of service in such a theatre.